What are the signs and symptoms of Tuberculosis -Tagen Pharmaceuticals

Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially severe disease that mainly hits your lungs. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are spread from one person to another through tiny droplets discharged into the air via coughs and sneezes. Once rare in developed countries, tuberculosis infections began developing in 1985, partly because of the emergence of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. HIV reduces a person's immune system so it can't fight the TB germs. In the United States, because of more effective control programs, tuberculosis began to decrease again in 1993 but prevails a concern. Many strains of tuberculosis resist the drugs most used to treat the disease. People with active tuberculosis must take numerous types of medications for several months to extirpate the disease and limit the growth of antibiotic resistance.-

Signs and symptoms of active TB include:
●Coughing that lasts three or more weeks
●Coughing up blood
●Chest pain, or pain with breathing or coughing
●Unintentional weight loss
●Night sweats
●Loss of appetite

Tuberculosis can also influence other parts of your body, including your kidneys, spine or brain. When TB transpires outside your lungs, signs, and symptoms vary according to the organs involved. For instance, tuberculosis of the spine may give you back pain, and tuberculosis in your kidneys might cause blood in your urine.

When to see a doctor
See your doctor if you have a fever, unexplained weight loss, drenching night sweats or a persistent cough. These are often signs of TB, but they can also occur from other medical problems. Your doctor can conduct tests to help ascertain the cause. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that people who have an increased risk of tuberculosis be screened for latent TB infection. This recommendation includes people who:

●Use IV drugs
●Are in touch with infected individuals
●Are from a country where TB is prevalent, such as several countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia
●Live or work in regions where TB is common, such as prisons or nursing homes
●Work in health care and treat people with a high risk of TB
●Are children and are exposed to adults at risk of TB

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